Marilyn Scholze, LMFT 120217
Shame and Guilt
Shame is one of the most painful emotions we can experience. It often comes about when we experience our very being as flawed. We feel unworthy of being part of a community. Temporary shame may be useful when we have done something wrong, but being stuck in a shame cycle feels unbearable. The antidote to shame is to be seen and heard and welcomed into relationship and community. A relationship with a caring therapist can allow you to safely explore shameful feelings and impulses and bring them into consciousness. While it may take a lot of bravery to open up when you have been shamed for doing so in the past, you can find support and healing with a safe other.
Guilt may be appropriate or not. If you have hurt or wronged someone it may be appropriate to feel guilt at what you have done. This allows you to do what is in your power to make amends. It is unhelpful to be stuck in loops of guilt and remorse with no resolution. Therapy can help complete these feelings so you can move on. Your staying stuck helps no one including yourself. As your therapist I will help you figure out what is in your power to change, encourage you to do what you can, and let go of what no longer serves you.