Marilyn Scholze, LMFT 120217
Religious Trauma
Spirituality and religious faith can be a source of comfort, solace or awe for many people. For a minority, the religious experience may have been one of lack of acceptance, of being cut off from one's peers, of being shamed or terrorized.
Certain groups instill harmful beliefs in the minds of children and make it hard for them to break free as adults. There may be pain in separating from the community one has grown up in, even when ones beliefs have changed. There may be shunning of the person who has left the faith. Some religions have a rigid structure that allows little freedom of choice. It is challenging to move from this situation without self doubt and confusion. Therapy can help you sort out and clarify what you want and need without the coloring of what you have been taught is right and wrong. For some clients, therapy may lead to complete abandonment of religious traditions, while for others it may be redefining spirituality from the perspective of one's current values and world view.