Marilyn Scholze, LMFT 120217
About My Practice

Individual Therapy
Life is full of unexpected turns. We may become depressed, anxious, or have relationship difficulties. Sometimes we need the support of an outsider who can help us see patterns and examine our choices. This is not to judge, which is almost never helpful, but to be curious about why we are doing what we do. If we don't like it we can look at our life strategies and begin to change.
Parenting can be hard. What works at one point of a child's developmental trajectory may stop working, and our role may need to be adjusted. We are surrounded by lots of advice and many conflicting opinions. Finding our way with the child we have is not always easy. Children are not born with instruction manuals and each is unique. Let's find ways to help you be more effective in influencing your child's behavior.

Expressive Arts
I believe deeply in the healing power of the arts. They are often a way to surprise ourselves with new learning. We may start to draw or move, and a character will assert itself or a pattern will repeat and become visible. The arts can point us to our strengths or soothe us in distress. Yet often our self judgement becomes apparent when we try to express ourselves. In this way the arts can be useful to learn about the ways we stop our self. We may feel wounded or not good enough. Through noticing we can bring self compassion to these old patterns.
College Counseling
Finding a college that fits you is sometimes a difficult and time consuming job. I have had many years experience helping teens find a college that fits the lifestyle and values that they want to grow into, as they leave home and move into their own world. If you don't know where to start or feel overwhelmed, I can help you stop procrastinating and make the task more manageable.