Marilyn Scholze, LMFT 120217


When we work together we will jointly determine what style of therapy works best for you. Therapy is most effective when you are engaged in decisions. You are the expert on yourself. Among the techniques we may use are:
Expressive Arts
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Family Therapy
Somatic Therapy
Positive Psychology
Symbolic Imaginal Processes

About My Practice
Do you sometimes feel worthless, sad, or helpless about changing a situation? Life throws curves, such as a death, or job or relationship loss. Even natural changes like aging can upend our sense of balance. This can be confusing, overwhelming, and stressful. At these times, the supportive presence of a therapist can help make sense of what is happening and allow you to slow down, notice what you feel, and choose what to do next, rather than being stuck in habitual reaction based on the past. As your therapist, I can help you take a loving look at your patterns, become aware of unhelpful self talk, or allow fuller expression of your feelings through art, movement or words. New learnings can be integrated into a self that is stronger and more resilient.
I will work with your goals, being practical as well as theoretical. I am conscious of your time and money and want you to get value from your experience.

Marilyn Scholze
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist 120217
Currently working online
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: 415-902-8064
This is a fictional office picture and not where I work.